March 17, 2008

The Story of Uncle Don Walkers Tractor

Guess who's this tractor this is. How old it is.

This tractor belonged to my Uncle Don Walker. He received it when he was six years old (the 1930's)when he first got Polio. My great Grandmother, Mary, gave it to him."Things were really tough then" he says."but I loved that tractor!" He played with it an awful lot and enjoyed it even though he couldn't to a whole lot with the Polio. The wooden truck and trailer Don built after he retired from Doges around 1988. Now my Grandpa (Dennis Drake) has it.

Written by Morgan Mick


Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, I get the pictures but what about the story?

It looks like the stearing wheel is on the wrong side. Wait, maybe I've just been gone to long!

Tom W son of Robert said...

Beautiful story! And a well played with tractor! I love the picture of it on the truck. What a treasure.