March 16, 2008

St Patricks Day in Chicago

I could only assume that there are a few of you out there that watch the Oprah Show once in a while. Well if you do be sure to watch it tomorrow, March 17 and keep an eye out for Deb Parrott in the audience. That right, Deb, Barb Davis (her best friend), Dana, (our daughter), and Autumn (our daughter in law) will be in the big city tomorrow for the live taping of Monday's show. Deb is hoping that since St. Patrick's day is a big deal in Chicago and the color of the day is GREEN then maybe Oprah will give some GREEN GOODIES away. Gee, what could be $$$GREEN$$$?


Tom W son of Robert said...

I have never seen the show. She actually gives things away?

Dana said...

the cd we got has a little bit of green on the cover. :P

Debra Parrott said...

My goodness, Tom! Once she actually gave every person in the audience a brand new car!!!