March 18, 2008

I made a donation

What ya think???


Makenzie {d of Leslie Mick gd of Dennis Drake} said...

Your hair looks SO cute i love it!!!


Tom W son of Robert said...

Who did you make a donation to Dani? It looks nice. Hello from "Down Under".

Dani said...

Locks of Love

Debra Parrott said...

I think this style is VERY cute on you!

Tom W son of Robert said...

Yes, it does look great! Robin explained to me about Locks of Love. Nice job Dani.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Good example of how you can help yourself and help others at the same time. Looks great. Hope your continuing studies are going well and also the work at your church!

There are many philosophis of youth work in the church. I will point out a couple.
1. Notice the isolated person who seems to need help socially. Often this person will respond to your special efforts to include him as you demonstrate love and acceptance. He will be loyal to the group as he finds more comfort and you will have a solid member.
2. Another approach is to notice the "natural" leaders in cliques and small social groups of 2 and 3(or whatever number). Invite that person to small leadership role that will be comfortable. Often the several others who cling around this person will follow and become members of the group. Thus you grow your group by multipls instead of by one by one.Tends to make a group grow faster.
Also, the "outreach" of the group can go to the more isolated persons mentioned above and bring them in also.
Danielle, you are in a wonderful situation to make a group really grow. I hope yoou enjoy it and fell led by God in what you are doing.