March 18, 2008

Prayer and visits needed

Sunday my mom and dad took a tumble coming down the ramp on the way to church. Mom slipped on the ice and fell, and dad fell out of the wheelchair. They went on to church. Monday they went to the emergency room. Turns out mom bruised her foot and nothing is broken. However, dad broke his leg just below the left knee. It is in a splint not a cast so they can keep it bent. They would normally operate on such an injury but don't think it wise at his age. He is in a lot of pain if he moves it the wrong way. And of course it creates more problems for mom. She seems to be doing pretty well all things considered. Also dad was scheduled to go to see about getting a motorized wheelchair. Looks like those plans will be pushed back.


Elaine Sitz/gd Carl/d Dwight E said...

We're so sorry to hear about the fall. I'm sure it's painful for both of them and glad that you're around to help. Keep us posted as to their progress.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Please send them our best from "Down Under" Jack. Thank you for keeping us posted.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Sometimes the more one hurts the more he can feel the pain of another.They have been and are in our prayers.
I have an electric chair, a motor chair not an electric wheelchair.I used it daily and it is a real blessing.
If you decide on an electric motor chair, I'd recommend Hoveround. It's the best. You will need a doctor's prescription for the chairbut Medicare and insurance will pay for it in full. It has wonderful guarantees and Medicare picks up the tab for any repair.
Just this week I got a new seat to relieve pressure sores on the butt and Medicare and insurance paid for it in full.
I have no experience with an electric wheelchair.

David A Walker said...

Jack, Tell your parents they are in my prayers.