February 14, 2008

Tom and Robin in New Zealand

First, I want to say that I am sorry to hear about Jean. Thank you for letting us all know.

Tom and Robin called this morning and they got to New Zealand safely. They landed this morning about 9:15 a.m. California time. It was 6:15 a.m. in New Zealand and already tomorrow. One of their suitcases was lost and the airline hoped to find it and deliver it to them the next day. The law of averages says it was probably Robin's suitcase that didn't arrive.

Tom promised to call back when it was more convenient and cheaper so I will pass along his messages. They are scheduled to return on March 21. I'm sure they will have an awesome time (once the other suitcase arrives).

I'm enjoying the posts and the pictures. It is good to feel connected and to share the sad times and the happy times with family.


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