February 14, 2008

A Couple of Things

I am so sorry to hear about Jean's passing. I enjoyed our card playing at the Potato Creek Reunion.

I also wanted to let everyone know that Danielle got the job! She starts on Sunday; thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement.

Some of you are probably wondering why I am not on the blog much. I am temporarily without internet. I am hopeful that this will change with Danielle eventually taking over one of the car payments, now that she has a job.

Michelle is very involved in her show choir competitions. The next one is in Decatur, Indiana, on February 23. I will not make it to that one, because I will be down with Danielle at University of Indianapolis judging her speech meet. It is the state competition. I haven't judged for a couple of years, and I have never judged college level. Danielle assures me that I will do fine. It is fun; I am looking forward to it. Fortunately, Michelle doesn't have a competition this weekend, because I will be at the bridge building contest with a few of my students from my after-school tutoring job.


1 comment:

June Mierau (Peter), d/Mary (Walker)Henkler, gd/H Ray said...

I didn't know Michelle was in the show choir. So are Pete's nieces. Nicole (Louden) is a sophmore at New Haven. I wonder if they have run into each other?
Congrats on Danielle's job! Maybe we could move those prayers over to Ehren in York! He's still searching!
