January 26, 2008

So here is the picture. Not sure what I did wrong the 1st time.


Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

They are: H. Ray (my dad), Raleigh, Donnabelle, Robert (Bob).
I don't recognice the younger woman but she sure is pretty. Is she a Walker too?

Tom W son of Robert said...

It sure looks like Joanne to me. But I think somebody else thought she was pretty too so now she is an Irons.

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

This is Joanne, and the picture was taken in Aunt Mary's kitchen. I don't recall if it was for a holiday meal, or a family gathering because Bob was in town.

John and Pat said...

I think that is Bert and Donny

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

From left: Uncle Robert Walker, Cousin Joanne Walker Irons, Aunt Donnabelle Rickert, Uncle Raleigh Walker, and Uncle H. Ray Walker.