January 26, 2008

A family picture from the archives

Well. Howard shamed me into contributing again after a long silence.

As the youngest cousin, I have a perspective of somewhat looking up at all my aunts and uncles, and mostly knew them in their later years. I recall hot Sunday afternoons in Otterbein Center at Albright Church while Uncle Ray spoke about his research into our ancestry. I remember holiday meals at Aunt Mary's house. And who can forget the picnics at Aunt Doris' farm. I even remember a svelte Tom Walker, bring robin, his fiance, to Mishawaka.

When I was in high school, I "developed" a strong interest in photography, to the point I had a darkroom upstairs in my parent's house. For several years I took quite a few pictures at family events. Unfortunately, many of those negatives were destroyed when my basement flooded in Fort Wayne. But I have a number of prints, and so for the first time in wide distribution, I will make an attempt to attaching one of those pictures. I don't know the exact date, but it had to be sometime in 1978 or 1979.

And although I work in IT as a profession, I have to admit to being a novice blogger.


Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

OK. No picture came along. Any hints from Tom or Dale?


Tom W son of Robert said...

svelte?? You must be one of those educated types. You can edit your post to change things so you don't have to do a new post. Other than that, I routinely blame Mr. Gates for all of my computer woes. You can tell from the picture that my father is in his preacher mode and is explaining to his older siblings just how exactly things are. I'm guessing this was taken at Mary's place. Does anybody know for sure?

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

Yes, this was taken in Aunt Mary's kitchen. If you notice, this is a picture of all three of our family history writers togther at the same time.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

OK. So you are a novice. Ha! You are a mighty good one! We always appreciate what you contribute!

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Are you referring to Aunt Mary's place with Jim in River Park? Or another place and time? If we can wake up Bob, he might know.