January 27, 2008

So here is another of the pictures taken on the same day as the other. I figured I would post this one, then follow Dale's instructions for posting pictures to a different site to save space.


Tom W son of Robert said...

I can believe the pictures are from the late 70s. I surprised they are B&W. Was this done in part so you could do your own developing? Many of the color pictures from the 70s are faded badly which is why it is so important to archive them. The best I've found is Kodachrome 25 slide film which is what your Dad, Dwight and I used a lot of. Dwight has a bunch of old family photos, many of them slides.

Dale Parrott said...

Very nice work Craig. I have black & whites that are over 100 years old and still look pretty good. I also have color from the 70's that are just about faded beyond recognition. Looking forward to seeing more.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

I know Marie (Raleigh) and Aunt Mary but not the other woman.

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

From left to right, it is Aunt Marie Walker, Aunt Mary Brunner, and Aunt Doris Wisler (Keyser at this point) The picture was taken 1978/79 in Aunt Mary's living room in the River Park neighborhood of South Bend, IN.