March 2, 2008

I'm curious

I don't know how many of you know this but I am the researcher for the Three River Ghost Trackers. That's right, I'm a ghost hunter. We use scientific equipment to try and document the existence of ghosts, spirits, entities or what ever you would want to call them. I have been on 4 investigations since November and have seen and heard things that are just incredible!

Has anybody ever seen a ghost? or heard something go bump in the night that you could not explain?
The picture above is from an actual investigation I was on. The picture is the real deal. It was not altered or photoshopped. Look closely at the center of the picture near the chair. Do you see the face of an American Indian? Look closer , do you see his body features and the feathers from his headdress? This particular house was very active. We heard a disembodied voice say, "Hello" several times and to prove it, we have it on a recording. I will never forget the other events that happened at this house and it looks like we may get a chance to go back. Things are starting back up at the location as we thought they might. We believe the house will have to be blessed in order to get rid of the underlying trouble maker.


Dale Parrott said...

Were you able to see the "ghost" with out the camera or only with it.

Dave Walker said...

I didn't take the picture but the person who did said there was something there to be seen with the naked eye. Then when they looked at the picture this is what they found.

Dani said...

wow... you still have to check out my living room because the other roomates feel the same way I do something is in the living room

Dave Walker said...

in the apartment? Next time I'm down, I'll bring my stuff.
