March 2, 2008

Another good show for Kim

Hi All,

Kim's drumline went to Warsaw, IN on saturday and placed 2nd out of 7 groups. They are having a very good year so far. Too summarize, they placed 2nd at the first show, 1st at the second show and now 2nd at the 3rd show. They are working hard to get back to 1st place with only 2 more shows in the season. So good luck on the next two shows and congrats on the past 3.
Tom you make me sick. I have always wanted to go to Australia and tried a couple of times when I was relatively close to it, but never made it. It remains on my to do list.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, you've travelled much more of the worlld than I have. I've also wanted to travel here since I was little. It took me 60 years. Now I know that one doesn't really feel like they are going to fall off the bottom of the globe.

Dave Walker said...

It does "feel" different than the states being overseas. I think the first thing I always notice is the smell. Do you notice the smell of each country you visit?

Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, I really didn't notice smells. But then I've only been to 2 countries, albeit very different parts of 2 countries. I will try and pay attention to it. I'm on a farm now and the cow pies smell pretty much the same. In the cities, the cooking style can have a big impact, but we've not spent much time in big cities. This is posted from solar power.