February 29, 2008

Dwight's home

Hi All:
Dad came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. He's feeling much better. He had Influenza "A", along with pneumonia. He was also dehydrated. I was out of town. With all of the stress of chest congestion and not feeling good, apparently, he suffered another small heart attack. At some point, the doctors were afraid he would asparate his food into his lungs, so he did't get any food from Friday - Monday! He WASN'T a happy camper! He's now on pureed foods. We're not sure how long this will last. The discharging doctor told Ellen he may not regain normal swallowing. This was fine before he went in to the hospital, so we're hoping for the best. Of course, his pre-hospital medication list doesn't coordinate with the list he was discharged with even after I specifically asked them to either confirm or discontinue the components of the original list.

He goes to his primary care doc on Monday for his regular check-up, so hopefully we can get everything straightened out.


John and Pat said...

Good to hear from you. Thanks for the update and hope he gets to feeling better real soon. We have him on our prayer list.

David A Walker said...

Glad to hear your father has improved. Thanks for the update.