February 23, 2008

Craig here is a question

Maybe nobody knows,  maybe I should not ask,  but you ask for questions so here goes.
Why did Grandpa never go to church?  The only time I ever saw him in church he was in his casket.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Dad told me he made sure the heart didn't burn that was cooking for Sunday dinner. Also, that was his time to watch the kids so Grandma could go to church. We are in Queenstown, NZ today.

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

I'm with Dale on this one. It sounds like his personal down time and a time of personal solace to talk to his maker. I know for me it is fishing and hunting time alone that provides this. Which makes the time hunting and fishing with friends all the more enjoyable...

Dave Walker said...

that time for solace for me is when I take the dog for a walk and he's taking a leak on a fire hydrant.