February 23, 2008

Back Home Continued

Things have been a bit busy, I am working on uploading pics from over there. I have 5 Cds worth, not all were taken by me.

I'm working on loading them on EasyShare, I'll let you know when I get that done. Thanks for the suggestion which actuially was a reminder of what my sister in law suggested but I could not do from over there. There are pics of Gen Petraeus, Condi Rice and some other big fish that visited. I'm not in all the picsand many were taken by others and put on the shared drive but they are good pics of stuff over there. I was able to sit in the throne that Yassir Arafat gave to Saddam and I do have pics of that!

It's been a good leave since I got home. I got 14 days of Family Reconstitution time courtesy of the USAF plus 10 days of leave. I will start making up drills starting on Monday and go back to work work the middle of March. There are very specific rules about the Guardsmen leaving and returning from the AOR. Actives and Reserves are different animals as you know because they are federal. Tennessee is excellent when it comes to taking care of its people anyway. I've seen other units from other states and some of them leave a lot to be desired. All 4 of Tennessee's units are very similar (I'm actually familiar with all of them).
You ought to come down and visit some time. It's been a long time. I know when being more specific to one person can appear as putting off others. Email me on my email sometime.

I do know what you mean, I surely didn't plan it that way. It would appear that my choice of a mate is far superior than the first time around. I did a pretty good Dad job the first time by all accounts, my walking resume's would tend to suggest that. Evidently God thought I needed to make a career of it! The right partner makes a world of difference and it is an intriguing thought of what is possible when the kids are not burdened with dealing with an abusive second parent but have a second, strong, intelligent and similarly free spirited parent. As I said the challenge is intriguing which makes it worth it. Actually I am welcoming this and not running from it. I will still be 45 this year.......

It's a long way away in a metaphoric and literal sense, dry and barren and little wildlife versus plush and green and full of life. As I'm sure your travels have shown you, it's not one world out there.

To the rest, I don't wish to leave anyone out. If you come visit Dad, we're not very far away and Mom would welcome a visit as well. Paul literally lives around the corner in the same neighborhood. Actually it was Tom that opened the door that made Paul and I aware that we are related.

Got to go for now, will let all know when the pics are ready for review.



Dale Parrott said...


Thank you for cooperating and posting them off site.
It would really be nice to see you and your family at Tom's in July. We always have a good time.

Tom W son of Robert said...

It is wet and beautiful here in NZ Bruce plus nobody is shooting at me. Thank you for the service to our country. We see a lot of Brits here in NZ but not many Americans.