February 5, 2008

Career Opportunity

I recieved a phone call almost two weeks ago from a women. She asked me if I would like to come in for an interview at their church. She said that the church really liked my resume' in fact it was the best out of the university that they had recieved. She said that the Church was Good Shepherd United Methodist near the Marion county fair grounds. I was excited but at the same time wondered how she even got my resume'. She told me that I would have to go to their church ever week and that youth program was on sunday and tuesday nights. This job would pay 12,000 annully. Now being in a family of pastors does anyone know how big of an opportunity this is for a first Youth Director position. I would permently have to live in Indy if I get the job. But I would have the money to do the things I want to do. Like pay my car payment and such on my own while still going to school full-time. They want their youth invovled with service projects and that was how I was planning to travel later in life anyway. The most important thing now to do is pray that I get this job. It has been on my heart the past two weeks and I just want to share it with you all for your prayers as well.

The interview is thursday night at 7:30pm
Love Danielle Diehl Daugther of Coleen Walker/ G.Daughter of John R. and G. G. of H. Ray.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, of course you have cousins you can consult. Dick Walker's grandson Matt is a part time pastor very near where you live. Also, Jeff Walker is doing some youth ministry in Florida.

As a start for a part time job while you are in school this sounds like a good gig. But long term it is only a stepping stone. My father had 2 churches while he was going to seminary. Also, he was a chaplain in Los Angeles while in college. I'm sure the pay was poor. We certainly were.

I worked 6 nights a week while I was in college and it paid a tiny fraction of what you mentioned. But it got me through school and looked good on a resume.

I remember very well the family who were the youth leaders in my church. There were really outstanding role models. Be the best role model you know how to be because you will be setting the course for the rest of these young people's lives.

John and Pat said...

How did your interview go?

Grandpa and Grandma

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

I echo Tom's remarks. I did yard work for 35cents per hour. Of course, that was then; this is now.

It's a great opportuniity. Take it if it materializes. Just don't think in any terms of permanence because new opportunities wil open up too. Experience is based upon stepping stones and this one sounds great.