February 5, 2008

Howard & Raleigh

Well, here is the picture of Howard and Raleigh in 1954 that Sharon talked about. Joanne sent it to me along with some others I put in my album. The ones in the album are pictures from 1957 when my family left for California. I don't remember ever seeing them. I'm still looking for the picture of my father and Garfield taken in San Diego in 1945. I also put in the album one of my Dad's graduation from college standing in front of a large palm tree. I remember how fascinated Jenny was when she saw palm trees in California for the first time. This is fun!!


John and Pat said...

Tom, Glad you are having fun with the pictures. We are sure enjoying them. Keep posting pictures.

Have you ever noticed the simularites of the ancesters to the current gererations? Have you ever thought about what kinds of personalities they had?

John and Pat said...

Tom, For more information look under the comments of the 1945 cousin picture.