February 18, 2008

Back from Baghdad

Hello to everyone,
I got back from Baghdad on Jan 24th and have been a bit busy since I've been home. I have been readjusting to life in these United States and a whole new family situation. My wife Karen and I have been getting used to one another again plus life didn't stop for anyone else as there is Trenor (10 yrs) and Rayla (7 yrs) and little Kira, born January 12th (yes that was last month!). Ben is still running around here and he's 19 (if you're counting, Ben was born in 1988, Trenor in 1998 and Kira in 2008, I do NOT expect another in 2018). Trevor is 18 and in Germany evidently doing pretty well. I guess God thought I did a pretty good job being a Dad the first time around and decided I should make a career of it.

Anyway, I never went "outside the wire" while in Iraq but I can tell you from all the stuff that I have seen both classified and unclassified, things are getting much better and our military efforts are being rewarded by gaining greater trust from the Iraqi people to point out who the bad guys really are and where to find them because they are feeling safer that we Americans will protect them. The amount of violence is on a huge decline since the surge began.

Iraq is an interesting place but not someplace where I would make vacation plans, war or no war. I have many pictures and will try to post what I can. Anyway, it's great to be home. Metaphorically and literally, it is dry desolate and dusty there as opposed to being lush green and abundant life over here. It did snow while I was there, the 1st time in 40 years or so. I figure many things are now possible as Hell nearly froze over and it literally was a cold day in Hell! Isn't that when many people say things will happen? Just a thought.

Anyway, if I can figure out how to post some pics here I will do it. I have 5 CD's worth and will share what I can. I hope all is well with everyone. Dad and I were able to talk regularly, so he pretty much knew what all was going on. For those of you who know anything about the Air Force, I am an Emergency Management person, aka Disaster Preparedness, aka CE Readiness, aka CBRNE or NBC or Chem warfare or WMD (weapons of mass destruction) type. I wasn't too busy other than day to day administrative stuff and the like. I didn't mind that too much and neither did anybody else. Nobody wanted my shop to be too busy as that would have been bad for everyone!

Dad seems to be doing very well when all things are considered. Mom's been doing well. Cograt's to dave on the big 40. I'll be 45 this year and at times feel like I need a .45, but God has his reasons and don't be fooled, I'm probably happier on balance than I have been in a very long time. barb, I had gotten your email but never quite got a response out. Operational security prevented me from talking about my then upcoming trip. That's a touchy thing prior to going. It's ok now. John and Pat, I hope all is well with you all, I haven't heard much about more hospitalization which I take as a good thing. Coleen, I hope all is well with you and yours. Dale, I think this was a great idea and thanks for doing it. I read it fairly often and Johnny and I have had some fun with some of the pics that have previously been posted. i couldn't get the site over there but I read it fairly often if I don't post that often. I did see Paul Drake at Walmart a couple of days ago. He actually just lives around the corner from me. I've known his wife Lisa for 10 years or more and knew him before I knew who he was. One of those small world things.
Anyway, enough for now.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Golly, and I thought I was a long way from home. Welcome home!

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

Welcome home, Bruce! Thank you for serving and doing what you do. Congrats on the little one... my grandkids are enough for me thank you very much!

Dave Walker said...

Hey Logger, welcome home. I know what that first month is like after getting home. It gets better trust me. Its takes a little time to re-adjust. Did they give you some leave after you came home? or are you no longer on orders?

I'm glad the Guard Bureau didn't forget you were there like they did us in Diego.
