January 26, 2008

Link to More Pictures

I have followed Dale's suggestion. Here is a link to follow for more pictures.


You can send me e-mail comments to identify who is in the pictures. I will continue to scan pictures all week so you can continue to check looking for new ones. Here is one to get you started.

Here is another as a hint. This is probably one of the last pictures taken of her.


Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Help #2 picture is Bob Drake
Help #3 picture is Don (Sunny)Drake

Tom W son of Robert said...

Yes, but what about this one? Isn't this just the cutest baby you have ever seen?

Dale Parrott said...

Thank you for posting these historic Walker photos. I hope that we can agree to disagree about the "Cutest Baby" thing. Do I need to repost my grandchildren?

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Is that Grandma Walker with Dwight or Garfield?

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

In the group picture on the other site I recognize Bob and Vada Mae but not anyone else. I can't see that well.

Tom W son of Robert said...

That is a picture of me and Grandma Walker in California about a month before she died. You should be able to click on it to make it larger.