January 28, 2008

It's Been A While

Yes, it's been a while since I've checked in. George and I are in California to get out of the snow and cold. We flew into Oakland last Thursday. It's rained every day since and may rain this evening. As for health, we have been doing well. George had cataracts removed from both eyes just before Christmas and is still trying to get used to the contacts and new lenses. His heart dr says as long as he isn't in the hospital he is doing well. It was "fun" trying to get his oxygon organized to go on the aircraft. Just when we thought we were all set to go, more problems arose, but we got here all safe and sound, thanks for the most part, to Debi, my dughter-in-law. With out her and June, our packing and trip to Chicago and to the Southwest gate, wouldn't have gone so smoothly. Thanks again Deb and June. I am feeling better now than I have in quite a while. Walking is still a problem, I tell George I walk like a penguin. I think I have all my meds in order now and if they stay the same I should do fine. I am looking forward to working with the spring flowers, hoping I can do most of the planting by myself. But Deb is there and willing to help if I need her (which I probably will).
I hope all the pictures were identified. I thought I knew everyone but Bob Walker and after I enlarged it, I knew him too.
Sorry Steve and Judy, about Chewy, he was always a nice pal to all of you. I know you will miss him for a long time. But enjoy your new puppy.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Thank you for checking in Mary. Take a look at where I'm posting pics. The link is below in my recent post. Tell Jessica we said hello and we hope things continue to go well for her. Have her send me an e-mail.

John and Pat said...

Glad you had a safe trip. Let us have some more info on what your days are like out there. You need to have some fun and don't forget to eat some barbeque at the resturant in Walnut Grove, eat some for me too

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Some go south; some go west. Some stay at home. Guess if we plan to have you stop to visit half way to June's house like you did to Florida, we'll have to move to Denver or someplace.
All kidding aside we ae pleased that both of you can go and hope you have a wonderful time in California. I loved it.
And thanks for getting nand sharing a bit.

June Mierau (Peter), d/Mary (Walker)Henkler, gd/H Ray said...

Tom, Jess is settled into her dorm at SFState now Her email is jessica.mierau@mieraus.com. I'm sure she would like to hear from you.