January 29, 2008

Baby it's Cold Outside

News flash from Wisconsin to help those of you living south of the Mason Dixon line feel a little smug. At 3 pm today, my outside thermometer indicated 42 degrees, winds were calm, and it was raining.

It is now 9 pm, a mere 6 hours later, and the thermomter reads 7 degrees on the way to a predicted 5 below zero, the wind is gusting to 40 knots, and it is snowing. The good news: Skin cancer and heat stroke are not really a concern in Wisconsin.

Hope all is well with everyone.


Tom W son of Robert said...

We had the temp. drop about 30 degrees in a matter of hours. But in addition there was a tornado pass about 5 miles from where I am. We also lost power. The storm here was moving at about 70mph so it didn't last very long.

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

Well, the weather man was off a bit on the prediction. It was actually 8 below zero this morning.

And Tom, where exactly are you today?

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

Craig, you could have kept it in Wisconsin! It was worse after it crossed the lake and gained some speed! We went from 49 to 11 in 90 minutes! It started raining hard last night around 7:30 and it was ice by 9. We had gusts to 70 and the wind finally died down about 6pm tonight.