January 29, 2008

Thanks for the pictures!

I am really enjoying the old pictures. Thanks to all who are contributing! Keep them coming! I tried to add a silly one to this message but evidently I don't know how to do it.

Pictures have been a part of our family memories for as long as I can remember. I hope we can keep up the traditions. It should be easier to do it with all the new-fangled equipment - when it works!

It was always fun to be treated to a travelogue at Uncle Don's with lively narration by 3 fun little guys. They learned a lot about our country (and Canada too) in their travels and we enjoyed their adventures right along with them from the comfort of their living room. I suppose the pictures are still around somewhere but it wouldn't be the same without the audio. We should have had a recorder going.

Craig, I think I'll take our predicted low of 12 for tonight! The wind is blowing here too so no doubt it will feel colder. So glad to hear of the health benefits in Wisconsin. Keep warm everyone!

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