December 14, 2007

What can you remember?

Here's a question I've wanted to ask for a long time.............
What handed down, family traditions do you still observe for Christmas? You can also share the favorites that have fallen by the wayside, but I'm very interested to see which ones lasted. I don't mean just food, but meaningful traditions that make a difference in your way of celebrating.
Merry Christams everybody!


Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, what about yours Debra???

My family has always gotten together at Christmas. With just 6of us it was Christmas Morning when we opened gifts and then ate Christmas dinner which was usually Turkey. Dad would always buy chocolates and we each would buy each other a gift. It was common to receive clothes as a gift. We used stockings which were made by our Aunt Virginia back in the 1950's. Dad always put in a tangerine for us.

Little has changed. Now we all get together the Saturday before New Years and we have a theme dinner which this year is German and is at Carol's home. Marleen brought us some stuff from Germany on her last trip there last week. These days we have a gift drawing and buy for a specific individual. If the US economy were dependant on the money my family spends at Christmas it would fail. We often will make or get food products as gifts for families. I will buy the chocolates this year.

But of course there are many more of us than before and each family celebrates their own family tradition. Robin & I usually are with Bev and Mother would come over for the day. This year we will miss Mother very much but we will be at Bev's home. And Marleen is likely to be flying somewhere. But we are always together in spirit.

Oh, and one more thing. We will be down to San Diego to visit Dwight and be with him on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day we will drive across Los Angeles to get to Bev's for her afternoon Turkey dinner.

John and Pat said...

Deb, Lets hear yours?