December 18, 2007


My mother, Fern Walker, arrived in Albuquerque airport Sunday morning. Her flight from Cincinnati took off late. I don't know if was weather related or just something else. She came through the arrival gate before the arrival/departure screens announced the flight as landing. We had a wonderful drive to Las Cruces with a stop at the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge Area south of Socorro. The Canadian geese were in every pond and some near the highway. We did see an American Bald Eagle sitting in a tree. What a beautiful sight to see in New Mexico.
We are getting ready for the holidays with lots of events planned with family. Tomorrow is the day to put up the tree.
We will not be back into the sanctuary at church as construction has not been completed. There was the fire in July and the estimated completion date was the 16th of December. Now the contractors are saying Easter. Settling the insurance took a bit longer than planned and then the contractor had more work than was originally planned. At least, the majority of the damage was in the sanctuary and several offices and the rest of the church was spared. We will continue to meet in the fellowship hall.
You can reach Fern at (575) 525-1533 or at P.O. Box 2623, Las Cruces, NM 88004. She would love to hear from all of you.
Merry Christmas to all.


John and Pat said...

Sure glad she had a nice safe trip.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Fern & David stopped off at our place to eat on the way to Cincy to fly out. Both of us ended up going to the airport on Sat. night to avoid weather problems. Sat. we started with clear weather then snow, then freezing rain and sleet followed again by snow. It seemed like a smart move to be at the airport on time Sunday morning.

Roger, have you ever stopped at the Owl Cafe near the Bosque? It has been there for years and is a great place to eat. We took Robin's telescope to the Bosque once and have a picture of a coyote dining on snow goose about a half mile from us. It was hard to focus on the coyote and get all of him in focus at one time. We also got a picture of a whooping crane.