October 19, 2007

Nappanee Tornado

Denny called me this morning to report on the tornado last night. He was headed over to take a generator to Charley and Shirley Weaver. Their place was fine but there were houses damaged within a half mile of their house. They had not yet heard from Nancy. Denny was going to check back with me later with more details. Perhaps others of you know more than I do.

Many of you will remember the tornado Palm Sunday 1965 that took out the Homer and Doris Wistler house. This time Shirley was spared that agony, but it is still way too close for comfort. Here is a link to the Palm Sunday event for those interested: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/iwx/program_areas/events/historical/palmsunday1965/index.php



Dale Parrott said...

Denny is out and about today and called just a few minutes ago with the news that Chuck and Shirley Weaver are OK. It was my understanding that they had a tree or two down but their house had been spared.

Doris Drake(wife of Dennis Drake) said...

There is a web site wsbt.com that has pictures of the Nappanee tornado damage for those who might like to see more. The housing development that is probably 400 feet behind Charlie and Shirley's house was mostly destroyed, or heavily damaged.

Shirley said that Jeannie is going in for a MRI on November 5th, to check the status of the cancer. Many prayers will be appreciated for Jeannie and her family....

Jack Walker said...

I have many, many memories of the Palm Sunday tornado. We were in the basement underneath the sanctuary at Albright during the tornados. Went to Wyatt the next day, and to the farm. Quite a trauma.

Glad everybody is ok this time. One went north of us and one went south of us.