January 5, 2012

Engagement Michelle And Matthew

Well he proposed to me on New Year's Eve. We don't have a date yet. Matt and his father are on a snowmobile trip this week and when they get back we should have one set to let everyone know.

A little about Matt and I history is that we met 2 years ago because Danielle told me about him and we hit it off from there and we moved in together in 2010 and have been work our little tails off we work an average of 40 to 60 hours a week plus he attends IUPUI to get his Business Management Degree. Which after he finishes a few more classes he can be put into the the IU Kelly School of Business. Then for me we are hoping to start me at IUPUI also and my degree will be for American sign language and that will be also a IU degree.

Love Michelle R Walker and Matthew P Andretti

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