September 15, 2010

A week on the left coast

I'll be in San Francisco all next week for Oracle OpenWorld. Any recommendations from the "locals" on a restaurant or other site I just shouldn't miss if I have a few minutes?


Dale Parrott said...

Craig, I been there a few and enjoy Pier 39 for some entertainment. Close by is Alcatraz Cruises and Fisherman's Wharf. Cable cars are something different that we don't have here in Indiana. The last time out Deb and I walked the Golden Gate, that was awesome.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Craig, my favorite is Fisherman's Grotto #9 on the wharf. It is tucked into the corner on the wharf. I've been going there since at least the 1950s. Prices are a bit higher now, like 10 times higher. We used to be able to buy steamed crabs on the wharf for 50 cents and a walkaway shrimp cocktail for 25 cents. I think those went up a bit too. They were way too expensive for us back then. Our travels back then were like you can look but you cannot touch.

Also, I enjoyed the tour of Alcatraz which also included a bit of a bay tour. You can take BART downtown from the airport. Cable cars can be crowded.

You have a cousin in the bay area and in Sacramento. Carol will be home from SLC Wednesday night. Have a great trip! Don't freeze. San Francisco has typical temps. of 55 even in the summer.

Dani said...

yeah just go see the Seals... they are amazing... all they do is sit there... hugging each other... its great!

June Mierau (Peter), d/Mary (Walker)Henkler, gd/H Ray said...

Sorry we were out of town during your stay in SF. Hope you had a good time.