September 11, 2010

Tommy John in WILD Las Vegas!!!

Well, we have arrived in Las Vegas and we have survived our first night on the town. Unfortunately, we did not win any money at the casinos our first night out. Carol, Bill and Elaine have not yet arrived, so perhaps our luck will improve.

We had a great visit in Grand Canyon and even got to drive to Hermits Rest which is normally restricted to busses. Boy, can Tommy be a sweet talker. In the picture, you can see me living on the edge. Upon leaving Grand Canyon we encountered a herd of elk crossing the road, some in front and some behind us. We got a picture of a beautiful bull elk. We also drove along some of old Hwy 66 and had lunch at the Road Kill Cafe. We won't tell you what we ate. We drove right over the top of Hoover Dam.

Our 3rd mini reunion will be in Las Vegas with 6 of us together. We'll see how much trouble we can all get in. Carol & Bill drive in from California while Elaine flies in from San Diego.


Sharon Allspaw/daughter of Raleigh said...

Keep those pictures coming and the commentary too! Love to see them.

Have fun and be safe. Stay a bit away from "the edge"!


David A Walker said...

Keep those pictures coming. The views are spectacular.

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

Hey. I'm in San Fran all next week 9/18-24. Will you guys be there?

Tom W son of Robert said...

We leave on Friday and head for Salt Lake City. We will tour Death Valley on Wed. and that is as far west as we get.

John had a hot date late tonight to go see the Female impersonator show of Divas. Pat went to bed early.

Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.