February 16, 2012

A day of waiting...

Thanks Elaine, for posting about Sydney's surgery. There was a lot to organize to get 3 of us to Rochester, MN, our son to his friend's for the week we will be here with Sydney and organize his visits, tie up things at work and at home, and I just didn't get to this posting.

Sydney is currently undergoing her 8-12 hour surgery to correct her scoliosis (curved spine) we've been treating for nearly 4 years now. She will be straight once and for all, with no brace anymore! She's been amazing through all this and now we just await the end. Like Elaine said, many more details and posts on the CaringBridge website.

1 comment:

John and Pat said...


We have been following the web site all day and praying for Sydney and your family.

John and Pat