March 23, 2008

"Some Bad News to Report"

Matthew Breese, son of Jim and Linda Breese, passed away this morning. More details will follow. His mother and sister Jenny are presently in New Mexico with brother Roger and his wife JoElyn. I'll post funeral arrangements once I get the details.
David A Walker


John and Pat said...

Our prayers are with you.

Tom W son of Robert said...

I am so saddened to hear about Matthew. He was a really nice guy and fun to be around. Such a trajedy.

Linda, Fern and Jenny are on there way back from New Mexico on Monday morning. I will pick them up from the airport in Dayton and drive them home Monday night.

And, yes, we have returned from Australia. This is the second Easter in a row that I've received a phone call like this. It doesn't get any easier.