March 7, 2008


Hi Everyone!
The pictures are so much fun!  I wish I could share mine with you.  I have all the ones from Garfield and Yvonne which include some real oldies from H. Ray and Grace.  Maybe at the reunion if we go this year.
The baby pic is none other than.......The blogger host himself,,,huh?
I thought Herb's nick name was "Tenny"?  Anyone??
The 1960 Barb and Susie is a stitch!  I remember that cake!  I think I still have the tablecloth from my Mom, if it's the same one I'm thinking! Geeze!
So sorry to hear about Dwight,,,I do hope he's better, please keep us posted.
Little Kim in her contest!  She is just darling,,,,I love to hear her talk, she is such a cutie!  Good job!
And Michelle, another military person,,,,that is just wonderful!  Congratulations to both of you.
I love the Mary & George Pic with the poochies!  I knew there were other animal lovers in the family!
Not much news here,,,,,waiting for boating weather,,,now if the gas prices would just cooperate.  Our gas went to $3.35 today.  I'm sure everyone has heard it's expected to go to $4.00 soon. 
Walked the beach in St. Joseph, Mi, Lake Michigan last week-end.  Went out on the long pier,,,it was pretty neat all iced over and the light house iced over too.  Strange looking formations.  Lots of people there doing the same thing we were,,,,,the sun was out, so everyone had cabin fever!  Ate at a little cafe in town, reminded me of the one in Wakarusa.  Great fish dinner, good prices, little checkered table cloths, down-home atmosphere.  Stopped at the dam in Niles on the way home and watched them fish.  The river is so high and water is running so fast, you have to be careful not to stand too close this time of year.  Lots of fishermen, but never did see anything they caught. 
Jinny came over for dinner, she brought the dinner one night!  Nice Girl!  She also brought us a gift.  It was a clam, preserved in this little pop open container.  You pry the clam open and find your pearl!  Each one is different of course.  Mine was a beautiful cream color.  She has several others too.  We're going to take the sapphires we found and had cut in Montana and put them with her pearls for some jewelry for her!  Very special since we actually found the sapphires.
Barb Winger/D.Garfield/GrD H.Ray 


June Mierau (Peter), d/Mary (Walker)Henkler, gd/H Ray said...

Barb, if you get those pics to Dale, I'm sure he would scan them for you and put them on a cd.

Dale Parrott said...

Yes, I would do that. Name the time and place.