March 3, 2008

Gold Coast

We are on the Gold Coast now at a beautiful condo 100 yds from the beach. We have an extra bedroom if anyone would like to join us. The weather is beautiful and everything is going as planned. Today we go to a planitarium in Brisbane and tonight we go to an dinner/show Outback show. We have a much better car this week. This is much different than NZ.


Dani said...

You know what stinks... that if you guys are still going to have an open room next week... like if you are still going to be there... which I can't remember one way or another... any way its my spring break... so I would go and fill that empty room... any way I'll see you soon enough I guess. Have a fun rest of the time!

Tom W son of Robert said...

I tried a comment but the puter ate it. Sorry. Everything fine. Write to Carol and ask her to post an update.

David A Walker said...

Okay Tom, go ahead and rub it in. You know some of us are still doing that W word as you used to say. We had freezing rain last night and this morning, so I did the W word at home today.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Did you say Freeze?? What is that?? It is about 26 everyday here. We are on a farm now in NSW out in the boonies. We are several KM from a paved road and the farm has only solar power and no well. We went out this morning to help milk the cow and to feed the emu and the pig. This afternoon we head to Sydney.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Hello from Sydney!! This is a beautiful city and the weather is perfect. We are around QVB and Darling Harbor today. We will go to the blue mountains tomorrow west of Sydney. We change hotels in the burbs tonight. We cannot afford to stay downtown. We love Australia!

Tom W son of Robert said...

Today we explored the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. The weather continues to be perfect. We are at a Holiday Inn with a queen and single bed right next to a casino. Not sure what to do tomorrow.