March 25, 2008

Don Walker update

Dad saw the orthopedic doctor today. There will be no surgery, no pins. The doctor put on a new brace to keep it in place which seems to be helping a lot. His foot on that leg kind of sticks out to the side and we have to be more careful not to catch it on something while pushing him in the wheelchair. Mom has her bruising and swelling going down. So all things considered they are doing well.


John and Pat said...

Thanks for the update and keeping us posted.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

You can be sure that the prayers you have prayed for me have been reversed in our prayers for you. When you hurt or have a rough time, you kind of know what the other person is going through too.Wish we could come visit with you!

Jack Walker said...

Dad isn't wearing the brace. He says it makes his leg hurt too bad. He feels that since he will never walk on that leg anyway, it doesn't matter to him if it heals a little bit crooked.

David A Walker said...

I am glad things are going better for Don and Iris.