March 10, 2008

Aussie Contest

OK, what three unusual items were on my Aussie Burger?? It came with sauce, lettuce, tomato, onion and 3 other items. List your guesses and perhaps I'll have something special for the winner over the 4th. It was at a Hungry Jacks which looked just like a burger King and even had a whopper.



Tom W son of Robert said...

Yes, it came with a beef patty. It is 5pm here in Sydney.

Elaine Sitz/gd Carl/d Dwight E said...

Well, in Oregon they put a fried egg on it. Peter loves a burger this way!

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

Must have been beetroot, egg, cheese, and bacon...

What is beetroot??? Sliced harvard beets??? sounds yummy! Did you get the fried pineapple slice too?

Hey Tom, they're hiring... you could get all the free aussie burgers your heart desires!

Tom W son of Robert said...

Yea, sliced beets. I'm not sure about the harvard part. Their bacon here looks much more like thin sliced ham to me. And the fried egg was over hard. They didn't offer me the pineapple slice but I would have preferred that to beets. At the farm the other night they also offered us sliced beets on our sandwich for lunch.

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

One advantage of working at a global company like GE, is that you can find someone from about any country. So here, for all the Cliff Clavens out there, is the history of Hungry Jacks from an Australian co-worker:

Hungry Jacks is Burger King. When Burger King decided to expand into Australia they were faced with a major problem. A small "milk bar" operation in Tasmania operated under the name Burger King. A smart business man he had registered this business name. After many lucrative attempts the (now not so smart) business man stubbornly wouldn't change the name of his one man operation. The smart folk at Burger King sat around a table, scratched their heads on what to do and elected to open up under a different name... Henceforth Burger King in Australia will be known as Hungry Jacks.

Tom W son of Robert said...

NOW I understand! Thank you Craig for the info. Do you think Burger King will start putting beet root on a whopper in the states?

The Kangaroo was delicious! It tasted like beef. We also had carrots and sweet potatoes and pumpkin. Yummy! Off to our new condo today where the temp. is predicted to be 40C. We still have a spare br this week.

Dani said...

It still makes me sad I can't join you. But I will see you over the fourth... and get to see all the pics as well... make a pretty pesentation please...

Tom W son of Robert said...

We have taken about 900 photos so far. Today was kangaroo day. We photographed 2 of them outside the condo this morning. This evening we fixed kangaroo burgers with Aussie cheese. Later this week we will fix Kangaroo burgers. We will go to Melbourne by train Sunday morning and the temp is predicted to be 38 which should be just about right for Bob. It is autumn here and still hot.

The place we are staying is like a campground except instead of a trailer or tent we have a 2br condo with a TV dish. It is extremely dry here and I don't see how the sheep get enough to eat.

Tom W son of Robert said...

OOps, I meant Kangaroo Stroganoff. Also, the Australian magpie is quite different than ours. Today we fed them oats. I swatted a couple of deer flies which fell to the ground and were immediately eaten by the magpies.

Later this week we will drive the Great Ocean Road of Australlia. It was built to rival US hwy 1 in California.

Are we having fun yet?

Tom W son of Robert said...

OK, it has been suggested that I'm telling too rosey a story about life down under. So, here goes. Today the temp. was 39 which is about 104F. There were an additional 100K people in town for the Formula 1 racing in Melbourne and the folks supporting Tibet rioted at the Chinese embassay in Melbourne. And last night I was acosted by a possum on the way back to the condo. It was so dark I needed a flashlight. The area is under severe draught. The temp on Monday is also to be 39 and Tuesday it rains. Does all of this help?

On the plus side, the Kangaroo stroganoff was delicious!!

Makenzie {d of Leslie Mick gd of Dennis Drake} said...

Hey Tom it is Makenzie. Can't wait to see everyone again on 4th of July!

Tom W son of Robert said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention that we bought a coke at a store in Melbourne. The cost: $5.50 for a 2 Liter bottle. It is about $3 for a can of coke.

Hi Makenzie. Nice to see you here. Hello from Down Under. We should have lots of pictures in July. We've taken over 1000 so far.

Tom W son of Robert said...

The weather broke last night! The temp. today should be more like 26C. That is a huge improvement. Now it is cold in the morning with shorts.

We are getting ready for our return trip on Friday. We get to live Friday morning twice, once in Melbourne and once in Los Angeles. We rested up yesterday and today we will visit an old gold town.

Jack Walker said...

The kangaroos are so cute that you eat them? What other cute animals do you eat?

Dani said...

^ I want to take that out of context and use it somewhere! Maybe the title of my next english paper...

Tom W son of Robert said...

Last week we had lamb. I'm told they are cute too. My niece Sharon doesn't like to eat cute animals. When cousin Paul was fixing dinner for us, he asked if she would eat chicken if he picked out a really ugly one.

The weather is back to "normal". We've done well for 5 weeks. In that time the weather has been 22 to 26 every day with 3 days above 37 and 1 day of rain.

Tom W son of Robert said...

We leave in the morning. I'm not ready to go home. We like it here "Down Under". We will have 2 Friday mornings, one in Melbourne and another in LA, which btw is my hometown. We are now having beautiful fall weather here now. We were in Bendigo for lunch and we had many ducks, a black swawn and an ibis join us for lunch.