February 8, 2008


Hello Everyone!
The pictures are sooooo much fun!  I have never seen most of these and they are priceless.  It's hard to make out some of the face details on the computer, so I hope we can all see these in person some time.  I showed the people at work the picture of my Dad (Garfield) in his Navy uniform.  I blocked out the name when I showed them and they ALL said, "Oh my gosh,,,,it's YOU, Barb in a Navy uniform"!  Thanks Dale,,,that was fun!  It's also very interesting to see some of the people when they were kids.  I see an awful lot of resemblance in most of us!!
Does anyone remember Aunt Lilly and Uncle George?  (Grace Brown's sister).  They lived in Michigan on a farm and we would go to visit sometimes on a Sunday.  Aunt Lilly was a larger-than-life Aunt Margaret!  I don't remember what they farmed, but they both had such dark tans, talked loud and just loved life!  (OK, I see where I get it from now) They were lots of fun.  Their back porch was clean as a whistle and it always smelled so good like all kinds of fresh fruit.
Thank you for the Birthday greeting, Uncle Johnnie!  Did you know that Aunt Doris and I had the same Birthday!  She always sent me a card and I did her too!  (Doris was H-Ray's sister).  We were both short and, eh-hem,,,stocky!   OK,,I'll tell,,,,I'm 57! WOW!  Frank and I are going out to eat at Ryan's Buffet with Jinny, Matt and Emily. (My daughter and her family).  Of course Emily will be coming home with us to stay all night.  We're going to go up to New Buffalo/Lake Michigan tomorrow, and walk the "ice beach".  It is so beautiful in the winter with the "ice sculptures" and "ice mountains".  You can actually walk out on the ice mountains, with caution of course.  There are a couple of awesome restaurants we like there too.  We always dress really warm as the breeze off the lake makes it twice as cold.  We're stopping off  in Buchanan first on the way. Buchanan is a very small, Michigan farm town. They have an old fashioned "winter" auction for hay, straw, cut firewood, small animals etc.   They back their trucks in with trunks facing inside the circle so everyone can "view" the wares. A truckload of cut/split firewood is about $50 which is pretty reasonable.  We love to burn the fireplace, and get out for fresh air and exercise, so this could be a good deal all the way around!  But it mostly just sounded fun to see.
Frank and I are doing much better health wise.  We are still dealing with our health issues, but they have calmed down considerably.  We're hoping to go on a "mini" vacation this year, driving to Niagara Falls.  It is not a requirement as of today, but sometime this year, U.S. citizens will be required to have passports to go in/out of Canada.  They are about $100 total for each. They are currently taking about 6-8 weeks to complete, if anyone else is interested.
Thanks again for all the pictures.  I've really enjoyed them!  


Dale Parrott said...


I'm glad you are enjoying the photos. A little birdie told me that you also have a stash of them somewhere. I think that you would be disapointed if you saw the actual photos that I scanned the last 2 times. They were very faded and very small. They are actually much better on the computer. Prints are easy to bet by e-mail to Walmart, Walgreens, Meijer, etc.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Hi Barb. I bet you didn't know that my mother was born in Buchanan, Michigan.

I hope you've also been able to look at the pictures I put in the album. The link is on the right. Joanne sent me some more last night which I need to post. So little time!! I was less busy when I worked. Oh Oh, there is the dreaded "W" word.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

I remembrer Aunt Lillie and Uncle George pretty well. One of their crops was tomatoes.They were all over the place.

You didn't mention their outhouse. Going there was my first time to "go there." It took me a little while to understand that the Sears and Roebuck catalogs weren't there for selecting gifts and casual reading.

"I prefer Penneys" took on a whole new meaning.

John and Pat said...

I don't remember Aunt Lily and Uncle George, but I do remember Virginia. We used to go up to their orchard and pick peaches and cherries. I think she was Aunt Lily's daughter, but I am not sure.
