February 3, 2008

Just Wondering

I would be the last person to hold that having a college degree makes one person better than another. Surely it doesn't. On the other hand sometimes our contribution to this world is influenced by what we learn along the way and the work involved in getting a college degree affords us opportunities that otherwise we would miss.

Am I the first person in our whole extended family to graduate from college and get a degree? Can anyone remember something different? The reason I bring this up is that I like to read thesis papers and other bits of information on the learning edge. So many in our family now have degrees and each of us seldom hears about the specialty of interest of the other.

We could learn so much by sharing the papers in some sort of round robin style. If no one is interested, that's fine. Just an interest of mine.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, I could scan and post my thesis for you. I'm not sure you would understand what I was doing.

David A. nearly completed a masters thesis. Perhaps we could post that in a link. It is about a resident of Van Wert who served in the Civil War.

What year did Raleigh start college? Or were you referring to the cousins generation? As I recall Raleigh went to seminary and graduated in 1938 and later went back to college.

Sharon Allspaw/daughter of Raleigh said...

Dad (Raleigh) was the first of his generation to graduate from high school. He had quit for a couple of years, as expected, to work to help out the family. When he decided he wanted to go into the ministry he returned to high school without the blessing of his father! Guess that was a tough time. He started seminary in Naperville, IL the fall of 1935 and graduated in May 1938. He was a "diploma student" so received a Bachelor's Degree rather than a Masters. Then in the fall of 1940 while serving two churches at Markle he started college at Manchester. He graduated from there with another Bachelor's degree in May 1943. In the summer of 1953 he returned to Naperville for a few weeks to finish up his work toward his Masters and graduated from seminary with Howard in the spring of 1954 (I think). Is that right, Howard? I know they graduated together because we have pictures but they are in LaPorte right now.

Thanks again for all the pictures. I'm really enjoying them and the stories too.

Roger Walker, oldest son of Herb said...

Herb graduated from Mishawaka High School in 1937. I don't know what year he went to live with Raleigh in Van Wert. Bob also moved to Van Wert to live with Raleigh. Anyway, my dad enrolled as a student at Giffin College in Van Wert. It was only a two year school. I don't know why he never finished. Maybe he dropped out due to World War II. Do any of the family know why? He worked as a bellhop at the Park Hotel which was located on South Washington Street and has been torn down to make room for another building. By the way Giffin College closed about 1965-66 after I took several classes prior to me entering the Air Force in 1966.

Tom W son of Robert said...

My Dad went to California in 1946 with my mother and Carol. He had to first finish High School and graduated from Metropolitan High School in Hollywood. He graduated from college around 1950 and I posted today a picture of him in his gown in my picture area today. In 1953 we returned to California so he could complete seminary.

My Dad didn't write much about Herb in Van Wert although he went there about the same time Raleigh did. Dad had a car and no job while Raleigh had a job and no car. Yes, these stories are great!

John and Pat said...

Tom, My first year of college was at North Central in Naperville. Started September 1953. Your Dad was in the seminary at the same time I was in college there. My sister was also a student there at the same time. Your Dad and I had lots of time together during the week, but on the weekends he was the pastor of a church. I only spent one year a North Central and then transfered to Indiana Univiersity. I also took courses at Kansas State University while in the military and finally Graduated from the American College of Insurance In Philadelphia.
Howard and Raleigh had Graduated in June of 1953 and I started there in September 1953. Your Dad and I had some real nice chats during that school year.

Tom W son of Robert said...

In the small world department, my chemistry professor from Westmar College (Ted Rebstock) was from northern Indiana. I asked if he knew of the Mishawaka church and he did. I asked if he might know any of my family so I gave him names. When I mentioned Howard Walker, he said: "Oh, you mean Howie! Yes, we used to ride together to college".

My father in 1953 was at ETS (Evangelical Theological Seminary) in Naperville and that is where Howard & Raleigh went also. He graduated in 1957 and we moved back to California. North Central College where John talked about is pretty much the same campus. I went to Westmar College in Iowa in part because it was closer to California.