February 23, 2008

Here's another question, Craig

Why did Grandpa only smoke cigars on Sunday afternoon and not at other times during the week?


Dale Parrott said...

John, I certainly don't know anything for sure because I just wasn't around yet. I do have something in common with him though and that is a large family. For a long time Deb and I had 8 children and it might have spiked to 9 or 10 a few times. I'm thinking maybe that was his one luxury in life that he treated himself to just once a week. Again, this is just a guess.

Jack Walker said...

According to Uncle Bob, there was a whole routine on Sunday morning while everyone else was off to church. He shaved, wound the clock, then settled down in a rocking chair to smoke his weekly cigar. Uncle Oscar would give grandpa 52 cigars for Christmas every year which were kept in a glass jar. It would be my guess that he didn't want to form a habit, and also may not have wanted to set a bad example for the children or didn't want them breathing all the smoke. So this would make it a Sunday morning smoke, unless church lasted into the afternoon. It was a weekly treat while enjoying a little quiet. As for why he didn't go to church I don't know.

Jack Walker said...

And by the way, I have the clock and even the shaving kit.

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

The more I learn about great grandpa, the more it sounds like someone I would have really enjoyed. It appears that great grandpa was a little looser wound than grandpa H Ray... is that true?

John and Pat said...

Not really

Dale Parrott said...


How about posting a photo of that clock? I've never seen it.

John and Pat said...

As for the Sunday morning smokes. I don't think that is true. The only time I saw him smoke was on Sunday Afternoons and that was a lot of times, Our family was always over there every Sunday after church for years. Then we would go home and eat we never ate there for Sunday dinner. A lot of times we would go back there after we ate lunch at home. And that is when I saw him smoke his cigars.

Jack Walker said...

Maybe so, I was just going on what Uncle Bob told me.

Jack Walker said...

My dad weighed in and said his dad smoked his weekly cigar in the morning, while everyone else was at church. When asked why only one a week, dad said, there was no way his dad would pay money for cigars.