February 14, 2008

Happy Birthdays

Three of my immediate family celebrated birthdays over the past few days. David turned the big 40 and my Mom celebrated her 11th yesterday. Dad celebrated his 11th this past Saturday. Happy Birthday to one and all!


John and Pat said...

Glad you picked pictures of your Mom and I that shows we were young once.
I took a picture like the one with the 3 children in it. So several copies are floating around.

John and Pat said...

The suprise party that I had for Dave on Friday night was great. He tried to act dead pan at first, but the look of surprise each time someone came in the door was priceless. We ended up with about 25 people all together. We had Batman, Superman and Spiderman plates and napkins. Dave's best friend Dan helped me plan the party. We got him good! If you know Dave, that is pretty hard to do.
