February 4, 2008

Garfield Walker

Garfield Walker


Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

This is the guy - my older brother - with whom I had to share a 3/4 size bed for several years. He was always picking at me until Dad would come in and settle us.
He also stole the blankets and made me freeze to death! All the bedcovers ended up on his side. Does anyone feel sorry for me? He got away with everything.
Our room was cold in the winter time. Sometimes Mom would fill a pint or quart mason jar with hot water to help keep our feet warm.
Garfield could steal both jars, one for each foot. And again, I froze to death.
Even better than the mason jars was an old non-electric flat iron which Mom heated on the stove or in the oven. Ha! it was so heavy he couldn't get it over to his side of the bed.
Once we had a really bad time. He couldn't get the flat iron away from me so he kicked it out the bottom of the bed. Both the flat iron and a mason jar hit the floor at the same time. I never did know which hit the other.
That time BOTH Mom and Dad came in to settle us. Neither Mom nor Dad were happy about the water and broken glass on the floor. I never did get up and go to the bathroom that night. Garfield would pick at me from the grave if he knew I was telling this.

Hey Barb! Are you there?

Tom W son of Robert said...

You froze to DEATH back then and still lived to tell about it? I never did figure out how all of you fit into that house. Where did you put my Dad when he lived there in the late 1930s?

When was Garfield discharged?

John and Pat said...

I believe Garfield was discharged in June of 1946. They were married on Dec 23, 1945.

By the way the the three younger siblings slept 3 in a bed Sis in the middle and a boy on each side. Most of the time I went to sleep in my Mom and Dad's bed and then my Dad would carry me to the other bed after I was a sleep. I never knew about moving beds until I woke up the next morning.