February 3, 2008

Enjoying the posts and the slide shows

We are enjoying all of the posts and especially enjoy the pictures of the Walkers throught the years. We check the blog everynight and do the slide shows that Tom has been kind enough to post. I wish I had old picture to post. My mom is getting a kick out of the pictures. She says that she remembers some of them being taken. In fact she may give some pictures for Tom to post. KEEP THE PICTURES COMING!

Some of you may know that I am teaching history this semester at Dona Ana Community College which is affliated with New Mexico State University. I still have my job at the Department of Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) at the university. In addition, I still do my coin business.
Anyway, I am teaching History 101G which is the Roots of Modern Europe. Guess all history professors have to start somewhere.

My mother continues to enjoy the nice weather that we are having in Southern New Mexico. We are supposed to be in the low 70s by this coming weekend but the weather man says we might see some rain. I'm not sure Mom will want to return to Ohio.

We had Sunday dinner with my daughter Carla. We don't get to see her very often as her work schedule keeps her very busy during the week. I teach in Monday and Wednesday nights and do assignments and other teacher duties on the other evenings. Weekend are out unless I am home.

Howard, I like your method of counting our age. I am seven on your scale and my I have done a lot in those years. I've traveled to many places with strange sounding names. Last count, I had 37 countries under my belt and 46 states and 3 territories of the United States. Just counting and I figure that I still have at least 50 countries to go (maybe more). Of course, I spent 25 years in the Air Force and that gave me an opportunity to do many things that I probably wouldn't have done otherwise.

Last Sunday we had the Rev Dr David Wilkinson of St John's College of the University of Durham in England as our guest minister at our church. We were not able to go to each session but thoroughly enjoyed his sermonat the 11 oclock service. He knew that Jo Ellyn had a birthday on that day, so he mentioned it. He is a very noted Methodist theologian and ties in religion and science.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Keep on Trukin' Roger! Which states are you missing?

I'll put a new picture in the album just for your Mom. I thought that might be her in the cousin 1945 picturen sitting at the back. Carol thinks she may be in it.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Roger, I had no idea that you had traveled so much or that you are teaching. Wonderful! And from all of that you can share some more. Do you have a teaching degree too?
What's the most important thing I need to know about Europe
while my grandson is going to college in Bremer, Germany?

Roger Walker, oldest son of Herb said...

The four states that I am missing are North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Vermont. Hopefully, I will get there someday. Howard -I got my Master's in New Mexico history in 1998 because I thought that I had a job lined up but it didn't pan out. I had wanted to teach at the college level but the oportunity had never opened up for me. This semester a history teacher was needed to fill a vacancy at the last minute. So here I am teaching the Roots of Modern Europe. Tonight we started the Romans. The most important thing I could tell about Europe is how small it is and availity to see a lot in a short time. Bremen is in Northern Germany and one of the states in addition to being a city.