February 2, 2008

Cousins Picture 1945

OK, see if you can find yourself in this picture. If you can, that means . . . well we don't want to go there. That looks like Mary back left. Is that Garfield in front of her? How do you make these kids look at the camera?
I posted more pictures tonight on the photo site which can be reached along the right side of the blog.

The RC Walker family I put up that says circa 1912. Does that make the baby Tab?

I have to stop this and get back to trip planning. This is addictive.



Debra Parrott said...

WHAT is addictive???
Posting photos, or trip planning?It could be read either way, so I choose to read it as trip planning.(And boy-oh-boy, am I glad of that!)I'm ready for spring.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Who is the baby in the picture? It also looks like a baby in a bonnet on the right.

Spring? Are you kidding? Next week it will be SUMMER again!

John and Pat said...

That was not Garfield in front of Mary. Garfield was over seas in World War 2 in 1945.

John and Pat said...

ok lets start again back row left Mary Margaret to her right could be Mary Alice or Mom [Grace] in front of Mary is Don Drake in front of him is Bob Drake in front of Bob is Raymond beside of him is Dennis Drake, Baby on lap is Terry, Shirley is holding him, Nancy is to her right Larry is to her front Geroge is behind Nancy He always combed his hair like that.Behind Shirly is Edgar, John is to his right rear.

Roger Walker, oldest son of Herb said...

I think that the one in front of Mary Margaret is Chuck Lehr. On the right are Shirley and Nancy Wisler. I would say that Don or Bob Drake are in front of Chuck Lehr. It can't be Garfield in the picture as he was in the Navy at that time and probably somewhere around Okinawa or near the mainland of Japan. Dwight is not in the picture nor is Howard. Just a guess, as they were the two oldest cousins at home in 1945. My mom says that it is a good picture but doesn't think she can identify any but Mary Margaret and Chuck Lehr. Any other guesses?

Roger Walker, oldest son of Herb said...

The woman with her arm around Mary Margaret is Fern Walker. She says it was probably the first Walker reunion that she attended. Herb was over in the Pacific until September of 1945. He left for military service right after they got married. She remembered most of the later year pictures being taken especialy those at Doris' house.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

I left for college in 1946 so I was older than anyone in the picture. Closest is my sister Mary who is next to me in our family sequence. The all look familiar but I don't know how John can point them out so clearly.

Carol, daughter of Robert said...

Here is my suggestion: According to Tom's picture log, the picture was taken on October 7, 1945. I would have been 7 months old, Terry 18 months old. The baby with the bonnet with the bow on top is most likely a girl. I think I am the baby that Shirley is holding. We didn't leave for California for another 6 months. I think Nancy is on one side of us and Terry on the other with Larry in the front. I asked my daughter Cindy if she thought the baby looked about 7 months old and she concurs with me. I realize that doesn't make us right. The other reason I think that maybe the baby is me is that if Tom has the picture my dad most likely took it which means we would have been there.


P.S. I'm enjoying the pictures and the conversations.

John and Pat said...

I will concede, Carol your probably right. And that could be Fern beside of Mary.
Hey Bob who is sitting behind you?

John and Pat said...

Howard, to answer your question, it is an Art not always an Absolute. Dad [H. Ray] was an expert physiognomist and when I was young he taught me the Art of physiognomy and Visage. It one of the legacies that he passed onto me. It is something I use everyday, but have not talked alot about.

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

Wow Dad! Those are awfully big words... here's a link to play with for those of you who are curious about physiognomy and visage. Physiognomy is the study of the face and visage is the interpretation of the emotion it exhibits. http://www.face-and-emotion.com/dataface/general/homepage.jsp

It interesting to note that my Grandma (Grace) was into Reflexology. So between the two of them, they had you covered from head to toe... here's a link that explains Grandma's hobby