January 26, 2008

Who is this?

I would like to know where to post some pictures to identify people. I'm on a roll. I hate to fill the blog with pictures. Dale?????

I'm not sure who these kids are. It looks like an old Christmas pictures. I told Sharon once that if you wanted to find pictures of Carol and I, go to her house and look at her parents pictures. Alternatively, if you wanted to find pictures of her, go to my parents album. Yes, our families traded lots of pictures.


Dale Parrott said...

Tom, I love seeing the old photos and even have a few (actually hundreds) myself. I don't believe that we are anywhere near running out of space but at the same time there is a better way if you would like to post a bunch of photos. The thing to do is to post them off site and then link to them similar to what I did for the reunion photos. I'd be thrilled to have links in the side bar.

Technical Stuff: Open a FREE new (or used) Google acct and proceed to Gmail. From within your Gmail acct there is a link at the top left for photos. Enter the photo section and make an album to share. I'll let you sort out the rest and let me know how it works.


Dale Parrott said...

I forgot one thing. I'm sure that most of you know that as we age small thing sae harder to see. My suggestion is to post the photos at about 800 pixels wide (medium quality) so that they can be enlarged when clicked on.

Tom, would you be able to redo your photo post so that I can put my magnifier away.
Thank You

Tom W son of Robert said...

I will try your idea. I posted the pic (a 154kb jpg) at the default setting for the blog. I remember medium being checked and don't understand why it can't be enlarged by clicking. Did I miss a button to enable that or something?

Dale Parrott said...

Tom, I'm not sure why the photo didn't enlarge. I assume it's in JPG format. Try and go back to the file you uploaded and see how many oixels wide it is. that number is what determines the size when you click on the blog photo. Photoshop will do this easily and you could adjust to 800 wide and re-upload.

Tom W son of Robert said...

OK, I made it 800 pixels wide and now it will enlarge. Darned if I understand why. But I'd still like to know who these kids are. Next I'll try your other idea for additional pictures.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

I'm pretty sure the young boy is your Dad (Robert) but I don't know the girl.