January 17, 2008

Update from Howard

Just a short note to give an update. It's kind of rough for me these days. My feet and legs do not want to cooperate with my mind and brain. I am nearly immobile again except for my electric chair and an occasional wheelchair. Therapy is underway again but out expectations are a little lower than before. However, our faith is strong and we make the best of every day.

Additional information. My son Bruce will be coming home soon from his long trip in support of our country. Maybe a couple weeks. We will all be glad to see him.

Bruce's wife, Karen, gave birth to a delightful little girl this past week. She came a month earlier than anticipated so her name is still under consideration. We'll let you know.


Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

The baby's name is Kira Cheyanne

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

The baby's name is Kira Cheyanne