January 25, 2008

Chewie laid to rest

Some of you know we had to put Chewie to rest a couple weeks ago. He was my little buddy for 17 years. I miss the little fur ball. His name was a result of his constant sneezing when we got him as a 12 week old puppy. His registered name was Chewbacca.

We knew Chewie didn't have long and Judy had gotten me a beagle pup almost 2 months ago. His name is Obi. We stayed with the Star Wars theme and Obi is short for Obiwan Kenobi. He's already been on several rabbit hunts and at just a few months old, he's already showing promise.

After a long day's hunt, we're both kinda whipped and with the winter season and all... hibernation is not out of the question.


Tom W son of Robert said...

17 is quite old for a dog. I'm happy to see you are getting on with life. For some of us it is devastating loosing a pet.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

I don't have pets but I do have empathy. Glad you made a good transition.

My daughter, Nancy, has seven dogs.Can you imagine that number going from time to time?

She owns a dog agility training school and works full time in it. She has become quite the authority in this part of Tennessee, In Memphis, and in Huntsville, Ala.