January 31, 2008

Pictures-Young Once More

Boy, these pictures make me feel young again!! Tonight I can conquer the world! ( If I do, I will change it a bit.) I had a cortisone shot in each knee last Thursday and a cortisone shot in each shoulder today. Wow! Talk about a high. And seeing these pictures - I can't believe there were all those "old" people. I'm glad there aren't that many old people around today. I f you add the seven and eight from 78, it makes just 15. Gee, I could live much of my life over again. Though maybe not. I did a good job the first time. Anyway, anyone want to dance?

Ha! These old folks. You don't know what to expect from them!


Debra Parrott said...

Yes, Howard...I would be honored to dance with you! I love you and Chris both, and am blessed to call you family. You encourage me every time I think of you. Thank you!

Dani said...

That would make me 2... So that means in two years I have been in 27 states, 2 countries, and know God's call for my life... big things for a two year old!
but this 2 year old will dance with you the 15 year old any day!