January 25, 2008

O.K. Howard

I plead guilty, guilty, guilty. But after two direct missles that landed nearby (...something from the Rickerts; ...things we have made for sale), I got the message.

Here's something that's just for fun: Go to www.cloglasworks.com/news.php and scroll down to "cutest mouse ever". It's nice to have appreciative customers!

Concerning the other two Rickerts, I know Martha has had some difficulty with the blog. Not sure how, but they are on dial-up, so that might be part of it. Martha has said she needs to ask Dale or someone for help, but I guess hasn't done it yet. She and George are in Texas until the end of March so I don't know if they will be too busy or relaxing too much to worry about the blog.

In brother Bob's case, he's not one to spend much time on the computer and besides, he's only been married to his lovely bride, Virginia, for just a little over a year! (Ahem!) I can tell you, however, that their courtship would make a beautiful fireside love story at the reunion. It should have been told this past year but it didn't even occur to me.

O.K., enough.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, it is a GREAT start Raymond. As for Virginia, she is a delightful lady and wonderful to talk to. I knew Mary would be a tough act to follow. How does Bob find these wonderful ladies? It must have something to do with his charm.

As for 3 strikes . . . . well, I won't go there.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

For some reason my computer will not go to the website to see the goodies. Any errors along the way to be corrected or do I just need help like usual?

Ray Rickert/s Donnabelle Walker said...

Howard, be sure to use the website address in my "UGH" post. Sorry, I made a typo in my first post.