January 14, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Hello Everyone!
Dale, your grandkids are adorable.  Some look like you or Deb,,,isn't it fun!
Uncle Johnny,,,I love your stories,,,Uncle Howard too.  I look forward to hearing them.  Steve,,,are you there?  I love your stories about Uncle Garfield too!  Keep it up!
Denny Drake,,,,I saw your walking sticks again at the new Farmer's Market!  WOW!  Everyone should own one,,,they are beautiful!
One of my most fond memories in time was the cottage at Oakwood.  For those of you who don't know, Oakwood is the Methodist Church Grounds on Lake Wawasee.  Of course, in the immediate family, there is NO other lake than Wawasee!  The families shared one cottage on the grounds. I remember waking up upstairs, (in the trees) to the noisy black birds!  Anyway, I was pretty little, maybe around 8 or so  There was the big old round Tabernacle that had big wooden covers over the open air windows.  They lifted them during service, but it was always sooooo hot. No indoor air conditioning in those days!   But the biggest part of that I remember, was always trying to jump high enough to reach the rope that hung down from the giant bell outside!  It was mounted in a huge slab of cement, that I could barely climb.  I think I tried my entire childhood to jump high enough or to jump high enough to ring that bell!  I never did until many years later as an adult.  That same bell is still there, just moved to a different spot. Now when Frank & I take our boat to Wawasee, everytime we go through the channel and come out on the lake, I always look through to see if I can spot that bell.  Sometimes we dock at the hotel, and walk the grounds, just so I can recall my memories.  Jumping off the pier at the hotel swimming hole.  Begging my Dad (Garfield) to throw me in, which he obliged many times over and over!  Going down the slide, getting so tired and water logged!  Hanging out at the hotel candy counter!  Now Frank and I are making our own memories at Lake Wawasee.  We were married at the Oakwood Chapel, we boat there and take our friends there. We visit Uncle Ed (Garfield's brother) once in a while, sometimes we see Brian (Edgar's son) out on the lake.  Sometimes if we're early enough, we go to boat-in service,,,,,,some things never change!
Barb Winger (D-Garfield/Gr D HRay)




Tom W son of Robert said...

I too have memories of the Lake. I wonder if we ever were there the same year Barb. For me it would have been between 1953 to 1957 when we lived in Indiana. One year I was reputed to have used 500 fishworms. I don't think it was nearly that many, but that is how the story goes. In college I found out that my friend Paul Holmes from Peru, Ind. was also there, but we never met back then, only in college. It is a small world sometimes.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Thanks Barb for the memories. All these belong to us as well. I loved the cottage. When I sold it, that money became the down payment on our house in California.

I was a youth minister in California in the beginnning so no parsonage was furnished for us. Later, in Sacramento we did have a parsonage.

The house we bought in Santa Ana for $20,000 last time we heard sold for $135,700.

Jack Walker said...

My mom pointed out that before the merger in 1967 Oakwood was an EUB facility not a Methodist one. They used to have a lot of church trips there.