January 18, 2008

Don Walker update

Dad is feeling much better. He thanks all of you for your prayers. He has had a rapid recovery. He went to the doctor and he said, well, a lot of people have gall stones and that is not what is causing the current problem. It turned out to be inflammatory costochondritis, which in layman's terms is inflammation of the rib cage. It could have a lot of different causes or just cause unknown. He coughs a lot when he eats which is what I think caused it, but of course that is only speculation. Anyway he wants everyone to know he feels better. He has other pains to worry about.


Tom W son of Robert said...

Thank you for the update Jack. I was getting ready to ask about the outcome. Tell him we all said hello.

Ray Rickert/s Donnabelle Walker said...

Thanks, Jack for keeping all of us posted. Let your parents know of our love and concern. We also appreciated the posting of the Christmas letter.

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

Thanks, Jack. All of you are in our prayers. Prayer is powerful. Not that we can make God do what we want but that we can find ourselves within God's will. I believe God is a healing God and that prayer makes a difference.