January 30, 2008

Christmas 1929

My father has written an "autobiography" of sorts and I am compiling the pieces to make a book. I thought the group would enjoy an excert describing Christmas 1929 in the Raleigh C Walker family. At that point my father was 12 year old, Don was 7. Perhaps Don can provide his recollections of that year.

Dale will be providing a link to the document along the right sidebar here on the blog. If for some reason you can't read the Word document, we can make it also into a text file. It is too long to post directly on the blog.


Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

Awesome post!

Thanks Tom!

Howard and Chris s/ H. Ray said...

I don't remember that particular day but my memory is filled with much of the same. The tradition must have lasted many years. My memories recall Bob and Sonny running in and out and being told to either stay in or out. Trapsing through the kitchen didn't help Grandma with the cooking. We seldom used the front door.

Does anyone know who has my Dad's book? John, do you have it? I would like to peruse it a bit. I think I have a copy of Uncle Bob's book. I'll check and see. If I do, I should be getting it to Tom

Tom W son of Robert said...

Are you talking about the Moor-Moore history that H. Ray wrote? The one that Iris finished and published? I have several copies of that.

I put this piece about Christmas up as an example of the rich stories that have been written and not yet compiled. I am now at 165 pages still lacking 2 chapters and photographs. That is very rich.

How many others are writing what they know?