January 16, 2008

Aren't They A Good Looking Couple

Well it's pretty cold outside so I have more time today to take a stroll down memory lane. I really enjoy going through my boxes and books of old photos. That's what was doing today when I came across one that I think may have been taken at Oakwood Park long, long, ago.


Doris Drake(wife of Dennis Drake) said...

So Dale is this Don and Iris?

Dale Parrott said...

When it says Dennis is it really Doris? I'm pretty sure It is Don and Iris but maybe one of their boys could comment and we could be sure. If you click on the photo it should get bigger.

Jack Walker said...

Yes this is Don and Iris.

Jack Walker said...

It is likely this was before they were married. They used to have church-wide retreats there.

John and Pat said...

I remember when that picture was taken. Most of the family were there. It was at Oakwood if you enlarge the picture you can see the Spinks hotel across the lake.