January 30, 2008

1923 Walker Reunion

Indianapolis, Indiana

I really had do dig to find this oldie and Idon't know who they all are. One of them may be Ulysses Grant Walker Brother of R. C. Walker. It would really be nice to be able to put names on these faces. Click on the photo to make it larger.


Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

I would guess there are also some of the half brothers mentioned in Raleigh Sr obituary. Several of them also lived in Indy, in addition to Grant, the full brother.

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

Is Great Grandpa the one third from the left in the front row?

Dale Parrott said...

there are no names listed on the photo. Maybe your Dad can Id some of them. This is an interesting though. It was shot in September in Indianapolis and we all know it is still quite warm. The lady on the far left is bundled in a winter jacket and hat but the children look to be wearing summer dresses. And what's with all of the coats & ties at a picnic?